Zuke’s is Ekko and Piper approved. We had the good fortune of meeting these kind people and their tasty treats at the Outdoor Retailer Show in Salt Lake City, UT. They talked to our humans and got some cute photos of us and allowed us to sample what they make. And they let us take a break and recharge in the booth. At the end they sent a care package home with us. And said they would mail some more out. They have my wag of approval.
Now that Ekko has grown some and is able to be my adventure buddy Zukes has been our go to treats, they helped him heal with the calming treats when he broke his leg, and have been with him every step for the 17 months of his life. From training class, to be our river and trail dog for Utah Surf Rentals. And even in the class room where Ekko is working with children Zukes has always been in the pack. If you are looking for a good, treat to fuel your dog and make his/her life better then I encourage you try Zuke’s they have the perfect treat for any lucky pup from couch surfing to Paddle Boarding.
Zuke’s never did send out Piper and Ekko’s care package although we are still a Zuke’s family.
- Piper and I at Zuke’s booth during Out Door Retailer.
- What do you mean we can’t take it all home?
- In the Zuke booth.
- Zukes rep giving me loves and treats while Piper recharges.
- Ekko just finished working with student’s and is taking a Zuke’s break.